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I'm looking for an old game, can't remember the name
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I'm looking for an old game, can't remember the name
# 1 Saturday 04/30/05

I'm looking for an old game, can't remember the name
Hi everyone.

I'm looking for the name of a game but I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it. It's from my youth and I only saw/played it a few times. I remember seeing it before I graduated from high school (91). Hopefully, someone here remembers it and can put a name to my description.

It was a 2D game for starters. You moved your blip around the screen leaving a line behind you. Each time you completed a block, it would fill in with color (or perhaps reveal a background?). You could move along the lines at a certain speed, or through open space as a slower speed. Once a certain amount of the screen was filled, you moved on to the next stage. Opposing you were things moving around the screen both on the lines you had created plus free to move anywhere. If they touched you, you lost a 'life' (or game over?).

I hope this describes well enough what I'm trying find.

Thanks in advance for any help. It's certainly appreciated.


Don :)
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